What Herb thinks
Rebirth of the Beast That Was

The results of the recent European Union's Athens summit is being seen differently by observers depending on their perspective. Many of the older, more skeptical Europeans are seeing the summit as exposing the frailty of the Union. The fact that, when push came to shove, some member states held firm to opposite positions over the Iraqi war issue proved to these leaders a common foreign and security policy for the new, super EU was a fantasy.

On the other hand, some of the younger Europeans are a little more optimistic about what was accomplished at the recent summit. The EUobserver posted a commentary by Dan-Daniel Tomozeiu titled, "A new Europe is being Born!" (Read about it here)   In his commentary Tomozeiu pointed to what he considered to be positive results of the summit.

One positive result he said was the summit "opened its gates for 10 new countries that will strengthen the Union through their diversity."

Another result was, "the conference of the eighteen 'smaller' EU present and future members that finally said 'Enough is enough!' He went on to explain, "The common stand of the eighteen will probably open the road for a more supranational vision of the Union."

Then, after praising Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's highly criticized plans for a new EU presidency within the Council, Tomozeiu went on to even find something good about the deep divisions caused over the Iraqi war. He said, "Externally the Union might actually be able to save its face after the whole fiasco over Iraq. What seemed to be a crazy initiative of building a European common defense based on the 'coalition of the willing' principle, has the potential to redirect the whole EU and to relocate it on the world map." 

It was this last part to Tomozeiu's commentary that most caught my attention. You see, at the end of this month France, Germany and Belgium are having their own mini summit for the purpose of creating this so-called "coalition of the willing." And, it's now being speculated the UK and Italy will also attend. What this means is the new, super EU will have only a certain number of their member states who participate in foreign policy. And, as it stands now, it looks like it's going to be that 10-nation alliance that exists in the Council where the new, super presidency is to be created.

Here's my point: Tomozeiu's optimistic perspective is partly right. The world is seeing a unified Europe emerging. However, there is another perspective for us to consider -- that's the Biblical perspective. According to Bible prophecy, it's not a new Europe that is being born, it's an old Europe. The old Roman Empire is returning just as Scripture predicted.

You see, we're witnessing a rebirth of the beast that was.

And, it's going to have horns.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.