Holly's Thoughts
Remember the Prisoners

We at FP talk much about the possibility that Christians may soon go through the Great Tribulation. But we must not forget that many Christians throughout the world already face great tribulation -- like the 21 surviving South Korean hostages in Afghanistan. Read about it here.

International Christian Concern reported, yesterday, "Persecution of Christians Increasing, But Most Americans Unaware." 

Of course, persecution of Christians is not new. The writer of Hebrews told first-century Jewish converts: "Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body."

Yet, how soon the media forgot the three men in Turkey who were brutally tortured and stabbed to death at a Christian publishing house in April. Read about it here (**warning: graphic details**).

But let's make sure that we don't forget them -- or our South Korean brothers and sisters in Christ. One day, we may have to learn what it's like to cling to the comfort and prayers offered on our behalf.

Copyright 2007 Holly Pivec. All rights reserved.