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As I write we're waiting for the results of today's meeting of the United Nation's Security Council. Earlier this morning we learned that the United States and France had reached an agreement on a proposed Security Council resolution attempting to create a situation where European led forces could be deployed into the region. Naturally, the dominant news pictures today are from the United Nation's building in New York -- such as the one below. While looking at that picture this morning, my mind drifted to Revelation chapter 13. And, a thought came to me. I thought about the second beast -- the one that rises from the earth. Let me explain why. Although the majority of the secular world makes fun of the images found in the prophecies of the Bible, those who understand them marvel. Instead of only seeing a series of strange creatures with many heads and horns, these see a language that conveys geo-political realities like no other language that's ever been invented. In fact, if you are a regular at FP, you are familiar with my commentaries about the EU beast. In order to explain the complicated political makeup of the European Union (EU), I found the best and easiest method was to employing the language of Bible prophecy. For example, we may say the EU is a union of 25 European nations. These nations take turns holding the EU's Presidency every six months. The EU's military wing is the 10-nation Western European Union (WEU). The EU's High Representative not only represents all 25 EU nations, he's also the Secretary General of the 10-nation WEU alliance. However, in prophecy language we may simply say, the EU beast has 25 rotating heads, 10 horns and one little horn. Now that we understand a little about the language of prophecy, lets take a look at some of the prophecies in Revelation chapter 13. As you read them, keep in mind we're learning about real geo-political realities. Some of the events described have already happened -- like the previous heads of the dragon. But, most of the events are yet future. And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names (Revelation 13:1 New American Standard Bible). I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon ... And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name (revelation 13: 11, 16-17). In my book I point out that the images of prophecy have an ongoing nature. That explains why the first beast from the sea -- which represents Satan's last great Gentile kingdom -- has seven heads instead of one. You see, God sees the end from the beginning at the same time. When this last beast kingdom appears, God also sees its previous six heads -- Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Its final head will be a revival of the old Roman Empire. And, it will have 10 horns. Later we learn these horns are alliance of 10 kings. Here you may be asking, since FP has actually been reporting events similar to the type described, why am I saying these passages are mostly future? The reason these events are yet future is because the ones described happen in the middle of the seven-year period we know as the 70th week of Daniel. And, this period hasn't yet begun. You see, although the geo-political situation described might already be here, the actual events described aren't. But, I don't believe they're far away. This brings us to the second beast and the thought that came to me. As I was looking at the picture of the United Nations building this morning, something came to me. If the first beast from the sea -- the ten-horned revived Roman Empire -- is preparing itself for its final assault against Israel and God's people, then what we're witnessing today in the UN Security Council is probably the beginning of the second beast from the earth doing likewise. You see, we're talking about geo-political realities and their relation to the Jewish State of Israel. We're talking about the international community's war against terror and its possible relation to God's people. We're talking about the woman, the male child, and the great, seven-headed dragon. I'm writing about things hard to understand and harder to explain. I certainly don't claim to have the subject of this discussion all down. But, I do believe I have a general understanding of current events and a grasp of the language of Bible prophecy. And, that's what I'm trying to share. Stay tuned! 08-04-2006