What Herb thinks
Right On Cue

In the New Testament book of Revelation we not only read about the revival of the old Roman Empire under 10 kings and the Antichrist (Rev. chapter 13), we also read about an end-time Babylon (Rev. chapters 17 and 18). We also find that the 10 kings and the Antichrist will hate this Babylon, and will destroy her with fire (Rev. 18: 16).

There is not enough space in this commentary for me to list all the reasons I believe this 10-horned beast of Revelation is a revival of the Roman Empire and, specifically, the EU. However, here is one reason. The Scripture tells us the 10 kings and the Antichrist will destroy this Babylon for two reasons. One: They will have a God-given, common foreign policy. Two: This Babylon will rule over them. The Scripture says:

For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled. The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth (Rev. 17: 17-18 New American Standard Bible).

So, God will give the 10 kings and the Antichrist a common purpose -- in other words, a common foreign and security policy. Isn't that exactly the purpose of the new office that the EU heads created for Javier Solana back in 1998 under section 666? The official title of his office is High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. On top of that, the EU's new military wing that Solana heads happens to be made of 10 nations.

Evidently, the 10 kings and the Antichrist will hate the coming Babylon because she will somehow rule over them. The above passage says she "reigns over the kings of the earth." Doesn't this sound like what the UN wants to do -- reign over the kings of the earth?

This brings us to today's news about the privatization of the UN Read about it here. You see, the end-time Babylon of prophecy has two faces -- a religious and a commercial. Her religious side is revealed in Rev. chapter 17, and her commercial side in Rev. chapter 18. 

 That's why the news about the privatization of the UN at this moment in history is so interesting to me. In my last commentary, I wrote about a new person on the scene, an Islamic leader by the name of Ekmelettin Ihsanoglu. It turns out that the EU's Solana has decided to develop a long-term working relationship with Ihsanoglu. It also turns out that Ihsanoglu is busy within the UN attempting to promote new international laws and standards that will foster greater respect for Islam and Islamic culture throughout the Western world. My point is, the UN has a religious side.

And, today, we're hearing about the UN's growing commercial side. At the prompting of the US, the UN is turning to the private sector for help restructuring. The agency has even hired US consulting firms. In other words, from now on, the UN's driving motive will be the same as that of US big business -- profit.

Now, all this brings us to another issue that is commonly raised -- the idea that America is the Babylon of end-time prophecy. The reason for this view is because, when we read the description of the Babylon found in Revelation chapter 18, it does have things in common with modern America. However, we must remember, the UN also has these things in common. That's because, the UN was created by America, in the American image. It was created to be a united states of earth where the world's leaders could yield, willingly and without coercion, to a higher authority than that of man.

Yes, thanks to America, the UN is fast becoming an international, religious organization. And, thanks to America, the UN may now be growing into a more efficient commercial organization.

End-time Babylon may be right on cue.

Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.