What Herb thinks
On the Road Again

While Washington and London are bracing themselves for an extended Iraqi war, Israel is bracing herself for Washington and London.

Evidently, the so-called "road map" Middle East peace plan is on the road again. Now that the Palestinian Authority has supposedly met the plan's first requirement -- the appointment of a new Palestinian leader Abu Mazen -- London has begun pushing the ball back into Washington's court. In fact, even as the Iraqi war rages, it's being reported the road map will be the primary issue discussed by Bush and Blair at this week's summit at Camp David (Read about it here).

What makes this Camp David summit scary for students of Bible prophecy is, the discussions are no longer about how to make the plan acceptable to Israel, they're about how the international community can impose its will on Israel -- whether Israel likes it or not.

Here's the problem: God doesn't approve of leaders who try to impose their will on His little nation Israel. In fact, I believe the real reason George Bush Sr. lost his presidency to Bill Clinton may have been because of how he treated former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. You see, it is widely believed the Bush Sr. administration may have orchestrated the 1992 Israeli election where Yitzhak Rabin won over Yitzhak Shamier. And this 1992 election marked the turning point where Israel began down that slippery slope attempting to trade land for peace.

Meanwhile, both Bush and Blair are involved in a second war raging in Europe. This battle is over who or what will control the foreign and security policy for the new, super European Union due on the scene in 2004. On one side of this war are the nations who want to continue working together with American. On the other side are the nations who have decided to compete against America in the Mediterranean and the world. 

Question: What will God do this time as two great Gentile leaders meet together at a place called Camp David for the purpose of imposing their will on Israel?

With two wars already raging for these leaders, I'm afraid of the answer.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.