What Herb thinks
Road Map of the Blind

Whether he knew it or not, Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke as a prophet. Powell was asked, in light of the renewed violence in Israel, is this the end of the road map peace plan?

Powell answered, "The end of the road map is a cliff that both sides will fall off" (Read about it here).

I don't think truer words were ever spoken by an American official. Although Powell meant it in a different way, at the end of the road map there is a cliff that both sides will fall off.

I can't help but be reminded of what Jesus said about the blind leading the blind. When Jesus' disciples told Him certain Jewish religious leaders were offended by things He was saying, Jesus answered:

Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit (Matthew 15:12-14 New American Standard Bible).

Back to Powell's remarks about a cliff at the end of the road map. You see, from the beginning the road map peace plan was the European Union's idea (Read about it here). And, if there's one thing the EU isn't, it's Biblically spiritual. In fact, last January I posted a commentary about how the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, openly complained about America being too religious (Read commentary  here).

Not only is the EU not Biblically spiritual, because of their continuing rejection of Jesus Christ, modern Israel isn't Biblically spiritual either. So what we actually have here is a road map of the blind, for the blind. And, a road map of the blind will do what Jesus said it would do -- lead both parties into a pit. Or, as Colin Powell put it, off a cliff. 

Biblically speaking, here's the bottom line: No matter what they call it -- Oslo, Mitchell, Tenant, Saudi, or road map -- without the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Messiah and Lord, the Middle East peace process will only lead Israel and the world to destruction.

Why? Because, without Jesus, it's the blind leading the blind.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.