Today Italy takes over the EU beast's six-month rotating presidency. As I've been saying, the EU is already a strange beast. But, now that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has become it's head, it's going to get stranger. Berlusconi is what we call here in the states, "a loose cannon." I don't know how that term came about, but it's not hard to imagine. I picture a line of cannons on a hill overlooking a battlefield. Suddenly, the moment after its fuse is lit, one of the cannons comes loose and begins rolling down the hill. As it gains speed, it bounces and turns and its barrel begins pointing in every direction. Everybody on the battlefield knows it'll be going off. But, nobody knows where it will be pointed when it does. This is the way the other EU heads see Silvio Berlusconi. And now, for the next six months, he will be the man who is in charge. For students of Bible prophecy, the idea of Rome taking over the EU presidency at this critical stage in the foretold rebirth of the Roman Empire is quite fascinating. The reason, of course, is because prophecy speaks about a coming Roman prince (Daniel 9:27). In October, all the EU heads will gather to begin their final work on the constitution that they hope will birth their trans-European empire. The problem is, they each see this empire in a different fashion. Some of these heads dream of a strong, federal superstate. They envision a type of United States of Europe, with a central government in Brussels. This is especially true of Germany's chancellor Gerhard Schröder. In fact, Schröder would like nothing more than to see the new, super EU adopt the German model of federalism. However, there are other dreams afloat. For example, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair wants no part of Schröder's superstate. Instead, Blair dreams about a Europe where the nations come to gather not so much in an empire, but more like in a club. The difference is, like in a club, the members remain in control of their destiny. The hope was the Convention on the Future of Europe would be the final battlefield between these two visions of Europe. The Convention worked hard to arrive at a compromise constitution that would be acceptable to each head of state. Although some believe the Convention was successful in finding this compromise, others -- myself included -- suspect the battlefield is just moving to the next location. This October, the EU heads will be gathering to once again engage the issue of what shape the new Roman Empire will take. Those who dream of a federal supersate will naturally close ranks on one side of the issue. And, those who want to create more of club for the new Europe will gather on the other side. In other words, another battle is looming. However, this battle will be different. Unlike the battle that occured in the Convention, the outcome of this one will be final. And, to make matters worse, this battle will have a loose cannon. Stay tuned! 07-01-2003