What Herb Thinks
Scary Movie 7

Yesterday was a busy day and I wasn't able to post anything. However, two articles were on my mind all day anyway.

The first was a commentary from the EUobserver written by Jonathan Kallmer. In it, Kallmer warns the E U member states not to approve the new Draft Constitution as written. Why? Kallmer believes the Draft Constitution is dangerously undemocratic -- especially in the area of defense and foreign policy -- and it hoards too much power in the center (Read about it here).

The second article came from the UK's Telegraph and is about a man by the name of Robert Cooper. Cooper is a British intellectual --  still somewhat caught up in the sixties -- who wrote a paper titled The Post-Modern State. The thing that fascinated me about Cooper's paper is that it calls for a new kind of imperialism (Read about it here).

Why does this fascinate me? For two very important reasons.

First: We students of Bible prophecy have been expecting a revival of the old Roman Empire. And, it would take a revival of imperialism in Europe to bring about a revival of the Roman Empire.

Secondly: Robert Cooper has become the right-hand man to the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana. In other words, Cooper's new imperialism has evidently become Solana's foreign policy strategy. And, to make matters worse, it looks like Solana may fill the new foreign minister post called for in the Draft Constitution Kallmer is warning about.

To understand what this may mean for our world, we need to look at what Cooper believes. Cooper writes there are three types of states in our world today:

Pre-modern, defined by chaos and lack of state control, such as pre-war Afghanistan; the modern state with in clear boundaries, such as Saddam' Hussein's Iraq; and post-modern, in which the nation state is collapsing into a bigger order -- the European Union for example.

Now here's where Solana comes into the picture. With the availability of weapons of mass destruction becoming easier all the time, Cooper believes the chaos in the pre-modern world could soon destroy his post-modern European utopia. And, according to Cooper, the only answer is for the EU's High Representative to set a foreign policy course of imperialism.

If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what would. You see, this isn't the first time the world has seen what happens when a European leader sets a course of imperialism. And, it appears this is exactly what Solana is intending to do.

This weekend I noticed a movie called Scary Movie 3. People were lining up to see it. Evidently, they saw the first and second Scary Movie, now they wanted to see the third.

If you recall, there have already been six heads of the great, red dragon of Revelation appear. These heads were Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and ancient Rome. However, there is one head left -- the 10-horned revived Roman Empire.

So, those two articles were on my mind all day yesterday -- the one warning about the EU's new Draft Constitution, and the one about Cooper's imperialism. I was thinking:

Here comes Scary Movie 7.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.