It doesn't amaze me anymore how the children of the world hate Jesus. What still amazes me, however, is how natural their hate for Jesus comes. If you've been following the ruckus some Jewish rights groups and religious leaders have been making over Mel Gibson's new film about the crucifixion, you are aware of their claimed reason. They say it's the script -- they say the script portrays the Jewish people in a bad light and promotes anti-Semitism Read about it here. My problem with this argument is the script they're actually talking about happens to be the New Testament. In other words, they're calling the New Testament anti-Semitic. Although I don't doubt they believe this, I don't believe this is their real issue. I think their real issue is their continuing personal rejection of Jesus Christ. And, since they reject Jesus, they naturally don't like the New Testament's accounts about how the Jewish religious leaders in Jesus' day also rejected and crucified Him. What are the facts? Is the New Testament the problem -- is it anti-Semitic as they claim? On the contrary: The fact is, the more literally professing Gentile believers in Jesus interpret the New Testament, the more they appear to love Israel and defend the Jewish people. (To bad the reverse isn't true). Although some professing Christians in the past may have used the Bible to support their persecution of Jews, it's not the fault of the New Testament anymore than football is to blame for the people who riot when the game is over. No, the script isn't the problem. The problem is as Jesus said, it's the hate in our hearts. And, it's how natural it comes. 08-14-2003