Shock waves bounce as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon does the unthinkable. Sharon told the Palestinians if they didn't get up off their bomb crates and do their part in implementing the road map, he would do it without them. Here's how Sharon was reported to have put it: If the Palestinians abjure peaceful negotiation, Israel will initiate the unilateral security step of disengagement from the Palestinians (Read about it here). I guess we could call this bull-in-china shop diplomacy. But no matter what we call it, some analysts are calling it ingenious. Their reasoning is, Sharon knows sooner of later he's going to have to be giving up land anyway. And this is a crafty way for Israel to decide the new borders -- not the international community. But there were some words in Sharon's speech that stopped my speed-reading and sent it into a sudden reverse. I reread the sentence -- but this time slowly. Here's what Sharon said: The underlying concept of the road map is that only security will bring about peace -- and in that order (Read about it here). There were those two words again -- "peace and security." If you've read my book, you know I believe an important sign may have occurred in 1992. That sign was when, in an Israeli election, the majority in Israel began saying "peace and safety" by voting for Yitzhak Rabin. Here's why I believe this. The Apostle Paul said: "While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then destruction will come upon them suddenly (1 Thessalonians 5:3 New American Standard Bible). You see, I believe the "they" Paul was referring to is unbelieving Israel. And the "destruction" that would come is the foretold destruction caused by the Antichrist breaking his seven-year security agreement (Daniel 9:27). What amazes me is the situation in Israel today is almost exactly as it was in 1992. Back then the Prime Minister who didn't want to trade land for peace was Yitzhak Shamir. However, it was Sharon behind the scenes implementing Shamir's Greater Israel policy by encouraging the establishment of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. Now here we find the same Sharon, the man most responsible for these settlers being there in the first place, saying these settlers will now have to give up their land. However, Sharon is saying it a little different. Sharon is reversing the order of the words. Sharon isn't saying "peace with security" like Rabin did. Sharon is saying "security with peace." In other words, Sharon is saying security has to come before the peace. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's not going to be that easy. You see, no matter how you say them, they're still the same two words Paul warned us about -- "peace and safety." Israel shouldn't be saying them at all. 12-19-03