According to Ann Bayefsky of the Jerusalem Post and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice may be about to make a deal with Israel's enemies in the UN. Bayefsky says of Rice: She is poised to agree to UN resolutions that will tie the hands of both Israel and the United States in the war on terrorism and, in particular, inhibit future action on its number one state sponsor - Iran Read it here. If Bayefsky is correct, why would Rice even be considering such an obvious betrayal of Israeli and American interests? As we ponder that question, I want to share something that may help explain some of the other strange events we're witnessing and, perhaps, may even shed light on the news about Rice. Yesterday I caught Lou Dobbs interviewing Vali Nasr, author of the new book, The Shia Revival. Nasr said something interesting. He said the 21 member Arab League -- which is predominately Sunni Muslims -- has nothing to say about what's going on in Lebanon and the current Middle East crisis. He said that's because the Arab/Israeli dispute has shifted away from the Sunni branch of Islam -- represented by the PLO and Arab League members -- and shifted to the Shi'a branch of Islam represented by Iran and, to a lessor degree, Syria. After some quick research I discovered that the Shi'a branch of Islam that flows out of Iran and energizes so much of the sectarian unrest now occurring in Iraq and also in Lebanon with Hezbollah, only makes up about 20% of the global Muslim community. The Sunni branch of Islam, on the other had, makes up about 80% of the Muslim community. And, as I already noted, the Arab League is predominantly Sunni. As I thought about his information, a thought occurred to me -- could this explain why the Arab League put a sudden stop the the French and American Cease-Fire Resolution? In other words, is it possible the Arab League actually wants to see Israel take down Hezbollah? This morning I shared these thoughts with a friend. What I especially like about this particular friend are his stories. And, he had one again. But this time it was a real winner. I had just finished saying I thought the only thing the Sunni Muslims may want to see less than the destruction of Israel was to see it happen at the hands of the Shi'a. My friend jumped in an told me his big brother once got a new bb gun for Christmas and proceeded to shoot an angel off the Christmas tree. After his mother finished spanking his brother for his evil deed, she noticed my friend crying. When she asked him why he was crying, he replied it was because he wanted to be the one to shoot the angel. Here we may find the story behind the story -- the reason Rice may be willing to cut a deal with Israel's enemies in the UN. Things may not be as they seem. What we think may be a move against Israeli and American interests may actually be the opposite -- a ploy that will allow Israel to continue her war against Hezbollah. No, in this war Iran and Hezbollah won't destroy Israel. That's because Bible prophecy indicates a coming time of peace for Israel. But, unfortunately, it will be a false peace -- a short peace. Although Israel is no angel, my friend's story may hit what's really happening in the UN Security Council square on the head. Someone else wants to shoot the angel. 08-10-2006