Thursday and Friday are big days for the EU beast. All 25 heads are meeting for their semi-annual summit. All summits are important. But this summit is really, really important to the EU beast. At this summit the heads are to decide if they will adopt the new EU Constitution. And, they are also to decide on their next Commission President. Both issues have far-reaching consequences. And, both are related. As I've pointed out before, there is a power struggle occurring in the EU. Some -- like France, Germany and Belgium -- want the EU to become a single, centrally controlled superstate. Others -- like Britain, Italy and Poland -- want the EU to remain more like a club of independent, sovereign nations states. There is also the issue of America. You see, most of those wanting to see an EU superstate also are anti-American. They basically want to reduce NATO and take the old Soviet Union's place as a counter weight to American's global dominance. On the other hand, most of those not wanting an EU superstate are pro-America and want to keep the Atlantic Alliance intact. So, at this summit we may be seeing a showdown between these two factions. And what makes it even more intriguing to us students of Bible prophecy, this may be a showdown of the horns. Let me explain: Although the EU beast has 25 heads, it only has 10 horns -- the 10-nation Western European Union military alliance. If you recall, a short while ago there were three horns in this 10-nation alliance who supported America's war in Iraq -- Britain, Italy and Spain. But the Madrid bombings changed that. The terror attack occurred at precisely the right moment to sway the Spanish election in favor of a new, anti-American governement. Now there are only two horns left in this alliance still supporting America. The reason this is intriguing is, on his rise to power among 10 kings, the Antichrist is to subdue three kings somewhere along the way (Daniel 7:24). Now here we are, in the middle of this important EU summit, and we find these same two pro-American horns -- Britain and Italy -- fighting against the remaining anti-American horns. And this summit could be the showdown. 06-17-04