Some say the only things we can count on are taxes and death. Well, I may have found something else to add to this list of things we can count on. While we're being distracted, something of major prophetic significance will happen in Europe. For example, while we were all on the edge of our seats watching the closest election in American history play out between George W. Bush and Al Gore back in 2000, Recommendation 666 was being implemented and a 10-nation military alliance took over the foreign and security policy of the European Union. If you know Bible prophecy, you know the possible significance of the appearance of a 10-nation alliance in the area of the old Roman Empire. Such an event in Europe was foretold thousands of years before in the Old Testament book of Daniel. Yet, because we were distracted by other events in America, hardly any of us even noticed it. Here's what the Jewish prophet Daniel wrote: "After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns" (Daniel 7:7 New American Standard Bible). The reason this prophecy may be significant to our time is because it has long been held the book of Daniel teaches that from the time of the Babylon Empire, there would only be three more great Gentile kingdoms allowed to rise over Israel -- Persia, Greece and Rome. So, since the last kingdom is Rome, students of prophecy have long believed that in the end-times the Roman Empire would be revived under an alliance of 10 kings -- which they believe is the meaning of the horns. And, if you've been following the recent events in Europe, you know this is exactly what appears to be now going on in the creation of the new, super EU due on the scene in 2004. Yet, like I said, at the very moment when these foretold events in Europe appear to have occurred, people were distracted by events in America. Now, just as the next foretold events in Europe look about to occur, we're being distracted again -- this time by events in Iraq. Regarding the next events foretold to occur, the prophet Daniel went on to write: "While I was contemplating the (10) horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts (Daniel 7:8). It is commonly held this "little horn" is the coming Antichrist that Jesus and the early Apostles warned about. And, since these first Century believers still lived at the time of the fourth kingdom -- Rome -- these early believers naturally thought the 10 kings and the Antichrist would appear in their day and bring about the return of Christ. Then something happened that made the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy about the Antichrist impossible -- in 70 AD Israel ceased to be a nation. You see, the Antichrst is to sign a seven year agreement with Israel, which he breaks in 3 1/2 years. So, when Israel ceased to exist, the fulfillment of this prophecy became impossible. But, suddenly in 1948, the impossible once again became possible -- Israel was reborn as a nation. Needless to say, Bible believers took notice of this event. And, if they knew prophecy, they began watching for the return of the Roman Empire. And guess what? That old Roman Empire began reviving in the form of the European Union. Now, added to these amazing events, we have the appearance of a 10-nation alliance in the EU in 2000 -- the possible 10-horns of Daniel. This being the case, we students of prophecy are now naturally watching for the appearance of the foretold "little horn" in the EU. And, when he comes, we're expecting this little horn to pull three of the first 10 horns out by their roots. If you've been following my commentaries, you know I believe the office this foretold "little horn" of prophecy will someday hold may already be here -- the office currently held by Javier Solana, the EU's first High Representative of Common Foreign Security Policy. You see, Solana is also Secretary General of the EU's new 10-nation alliance. And, if you've been following the news, you know the Iraqi war has split Solana's 10-nation alliance apart. When America decided to go to war against Iraq to protect US vital interests in the Mediterranean, France, Germany and Belgium -- members of Solana's 10-nation alliance -- not only refused to help, they actually fought against American interests in NATO and the UN Security Council. On the other hand, Britain, Spain and Portugal -- also members of Solana's 10-nation alliance -- broke ranks with their fellow alliance members in Europe and instead have decided to support American's interests in the Mediterranean. Now, according to the EUoberver, things in Europe may be coming to a head -- this April there's going to be a showdown at the EU Convention (Read about it here). Question: Is the stage now set in the creation of the new, super EU for the foretold "little horn" of Daniel to appear and pull those three horns (kings) out by their roots? And, if so, could those three horns that are pulled be Britain, Spain and Portugal? Here's what I think: While watching the war in Iraq, keep one eye on Europe. I think something big may be about to happen.