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If you've read my book, you may remember theses words: When I read about these two signs — the sign of the woman and the sign of the dragon — I envision two angelic armies quietly facing each other on a heavenly battlefield. Each side is waiting for the other to move first. Suddenly, the sign representing one side is raised high in the air and a loud cheer breaks out. Then another sign, representing the other side, appears and that army cheers. But before the battle begins we find that the first sign about the woman wasn't finished yet. John describes the rest of the first sign: And she (the woman) gave birth to a son, a male child,
who is to rule the
Now the angelic battle begins. John wrote: And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels
waging war with the
Friends, this is what I believe we may be starting to see over this Middle East crisis -- people choosing sides. And, what's been kept secret in their hearts is being revealed. When Israeli planes bombed a UN outpost in southern Lebanon, before the dust settled UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was already saying Israel targeted their post intentionally. Here's my point, even if Israel's attack was intentional -- which I'm not suggesting -- Kofi revealed his bias against Israel by speaking before it was possible to know all the facts. But, there is another possibility -- one that could be even worse. Could it be Kofi knew something that only he and Israel knew? For example, could it be possible that the post was secretly being used to support Hezbollah? I'm not suggesting it was -- only recognizing possibilities. So, no matter why Kofi responded in such a way, I believe Kofi may have been revealing the UN's true colors. That brings us to our first report Read about it here. Here we read how large business organizations, so-called NGOs, are even choosing sides against Israel. Once again, if you've read my book, you know I suspect the UN may become the Babylon of Revelation. And, I also show how Club of Rome members are playing a big role in Kofi's UN. In fact, the Club of Rome's President, Prince El Hassan bin Talal, is both a long friend of the EU's Javier Solana -- who is also a member of the club, Prince Hassan is also an important Islamic interfaith activist. Getting back to the NGOs, part of the Club of Rome's agenda is to implement what it calls "global governance," through the establishment of a new global ethic, focusing on not just governments, but NGOs Read about it here. And, it looks like their strategy may be working. What will be the outcome? Friends, if the Club of Rome's world agenda is achieved, the UN will become both a religious and an economic global entity -- just like the one that's described in Revelation chapters 17 and 18. And, it's very possible it will be the entity that the False Prophet uses to enforce the mark we find in Revelation chapter 13. This brings us to this news about the EU's Javier Solana Read about it here. Evidently, in the same way as Kofi, Solana may have begun showing his colors too. Although Israel has provided convincing proof that Hezbollah may have intentionally sacrificed the lives of innocence to sway opinion against Israel, Solana is still using Israel's bombing of the building in Qanas as cover in his call for an immediate cease-fire. Yet, if that's what Solana is doing, it's not the first time in this crisis. If you recall, on July 17 Solana held a joint press conference with the Israeli Foreign Minister. Solana was asked why the EU didn't add Hezbollah to their list of terrorist organizations. Solana responded by saying that this wasn't a moral issue, but a legal one. In other words, according to Solana's own words, right and wrong has nothing to do with his decision making. But, for us students of Bible prophecy, that may not be the only revealing words that were spoken that day by Solana. While speaking about Israel's need to consider what may be the outcome of their continued strikes in Lebanon, Solana said: The battle against terrorism is not a battle which is very far from battles about minds and about hearts, and therefore to act in that direction -- have your mind always in that direction. I think this is a good matter of fact See the video here. Here we may have a window into Solana's mind. According to his world view, right and wrong has no place in his decision making -- only law. And, in the battle against terror, his primary target is the minds and the hearts of the masses. According to our world view -- God's people -- the issue of right and wrong is the most important. And, it's the issue over which our Lord and Savior had to die. Do you get the picture? If not, you may find it described in Revelation chapters 12 and 13. It's time to show our colors. 07-30-2006