I don't usually pay much attention to this type of sign. In fact, if you've read my book, you know I recommend avoiding such events and staying focused on what I call prophetic road signs. Road signs are events that were foretold in Scripture, and are now documented in history. The reason being, in our study of Bible prophecy the prophetic roads signs help keep us on the right course. However, this particular sign is hard for me to ignore. You see, Mars represented the god of war to both the Greeks and the Romans. And, Jesus said, in the end-times, there would be signs in the heavens (Luke 21:24). The fact that Mars will be passing the closest to earth in human history at this time when the old Roman Empire is being revived may be a sign. In other words, the man on the white horse may soon be going out "conquering
and to conquer" (Revelation 6:2).