I've always known one day we would wake up to find practicing Christianity is a sin. Well, if you live in the EU, that day has come. It seems the new Italian Commissioner is a Catholic Christian. His name is Rocco Buttiglione and he believes, as most Christians do, that homosexuality is a sin. The problem is, he's admitted it in public. Now Buttiglione's Christianity not only threatens his own career, it threatens the entire 25 member European Commission that is scheduled to take office on November 1 Read about it here. Why? Because the European Parliament must approve all 25 new Commissioners or none of them. And, in their opinion, Buttiglione's Christianity is a sin not to be tolerated. I want you to notice the title of the article I linked to above -- it's EU tight-lipped over gay-bashing commissioner. Do you catch the anti-Christian bias? This writer obviously thinks Buttiglione is a gay-basher because he holds the biblical view on homosexuality. If you follow this logic, it won't be long until the Bible will be condemned in the EU as well. After all, the Bible is the source of Buttiglione's idea homosexuality is a sin. Friends, one day it will happen here in America too. Unless we wake up. 10-18-04