I received an email from an administrator of the discussion board where I was banned. In fact, it was from the very person who banned me. Evidently, she wanted me to understand her reason. She said it was her opinion I had violated the board's rule about speculation concerning the Antichrist. This was not something the administration team wanted occurring on their board. I appreciated this person taking the time to let me know why I was banned. And, as I thought about it, I realized how she could interpret things that way. If you aren't aware of what's going on politically in Europe, you could be left with that impression. Unfortunately, this isn't what I'm doing. I've heard it said that a balanced reporter would be attacked from both the left and the right. The left would think the reporter was biased to the right, and the right would think the reporter was biased to the left. That's kind of the way I feel about this issue. I have people attacking me for not coming right out and saying I believe Javier Solana is the Antichrist. I also have people, like this administrator, who thinks I'm speculating that Solana is the Antichrist. Friends, neither is what I'm about. I'm just trying to report the facts. I try hard to stay on subject. There are events occurring that appear to be major fulfillments of Bible prophecy. I don't know if they are, or if they're not. I only know that they're happening. That being the case, they need to be reported. Next week, President Bush will be attending the annual NATO summit in Munich. Each year another milestone is reached in the EU's new security identity. Last year it was Washington's approval for the EU to develop its own independent military command structures. This year, I suspect it will be an agreement between Washington and this new EU command structure to work together to create a more secure world. As I reported earlier, after the summit President Bush is scheduled to have dinner with Javier Solana. This is where the real bargaining will take place. You see, after all is said and done, more and more Solana is becoming the man who is calling the shots -- like it or not. That brings us to this latest story about Spanish PM Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Evidently, Zapatero said that after the Constitution went into force the EU member states would be closing their embassies and Brussels (Solana) would be taking over. He said Europe was going to have a single voice. There is nothing new in what he said. What's new is the tone. It's as if he said Europe was going to have a single voice, whether the EU states liked it or not. Where have we heard that before? That's right. It was when Solana said basically the same thing to Israeli PM Ariel Sharon. He said the EU would be involved with the peace process, whether Israel liked it or not. Is that what is now being said to those EU states who want to maintain control of their own foreign policy -- such as Britain? Stay tuned! This is getting interesting. 02-18-05