What Herb thinks
To Sir With WWW

We were thinking the same thing about each other. But at this gathering of important personalities, I looked far more out of place than he did. There I was, standing among all those professional photographers, pointing my vintage Pentex from the 1960s at him.

And although I was taking his picture, I didn't have a clue who he was. Yet what I remember most about that awkward  moment was the way he looked at me as I took the photo. His expression said it all: "Who in the world is this guy?"

I later learned the man was Tim Berners-Lee, the so-called "father of the Internet." No, Berners-Lee didn't invent the Internet. But he is credited with creating the system that made the Internet available to the world. 

Berners-Lee wasn't the only personality to notice how out of place I looked. In fact, when I took the former Polish President Lech Walasa's picture, his feelings about me and my camera were even more obvious. Take a look at this expression!

Back to the man I never heard of -- Tim Berners-Lee: According to this report from the UK's Independent, Berners-Lee has been honored with official Knighthood. This means he's no longer just Mr. Berners-Lee; now he's Sir Berners-Lee (Read about it here)   (And here).

As I thought about the great honor that was just bestowed on Berners-Lee, I once again thought about my reaction when I met the man -- I didn't even know who he was.

Here's my point. Few men have ever managed to reshape the world more than Tim Berners-Lee. Yet, when I was face to face with him, I didn't even recognize him.

And you know what? That's the way it can be with our encounters with Jesus. We can be face to face with Him, and not know it. You see, Jesus calls to us when we hear the Gospel message. He speaks to us when we hear the Word of God.

And, if we belong to Him, He always recognizes us.

Even when we don't recognize Him.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.