What Herb thinks
Sleeper Conference

Russia, proving to be an unreliable energy partner Read about it here, is causing the EU to look elsewhere -- both inward and outward. Inward means finding ways to cut down the EU's dependence on fossil fuels. Outward means developing a common energy policy and begin speaking with a "single voice" Read about it here  I  Green Paper pdf. Friends, where have we heard those words -- "single voice" -- before?

You see, one of the primary reasons why the EU heads need a new, super Foreign Minister post, is so the EU can better negotiate in the international arena. And, in an EU document calling for a Foreign Minister, the EU's inability to negotiate favorable energy deals with Russia is an example given for why the post is needed.

In the meantime, it's obvious the EU needs a better energy partner. This is where Euromed may come in. You see, besides by 2010 having a free trade zone established between the EU and the Mediterranean region, by 2010 the EU wants to have a secure energy infrastructure established too. Now we know why.

This brings us to something that, too late for a commentary, I posted last night. It was a link to an article about a conference that's being called, "Madrid + 15" Read about it here. As I read the list of those attending, and I noticed that they were mostly past officials and lower ranking representatives, my first thoughts were that this conference shouldn't be considered too important. But, when I saw the EU's Javier Solana's name, I changed my mind. My experience tells me that, for political reasons, Solana usually doesn't attend meetings he doesn't feel worthy of his presence.

I also noticed that Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos would be giving the opening address. Moratinos, you may recall, once worked under Solana as his personal representative to the Middle East. And Moratinos, for some time now, has been calling for another Madrid type international conference. If you recall, it was at the 1991 Madrid Conference when the idea of Israel trading land for peace was born. And, it was at the Madrid Conference where Solana says he was first introduced into the Middle East peace process. 

Let's take another look at the list of those attending:

The current conference will be attended by a team of eight representatives from the Palestinian Authority headed by Fatah leader Mohammed Dahlan; 11 Israeli representatives including former foreign minister Shlomo Ben-Ami and former head of Military Intelligence Uri Saguy; a European contingent including the foreign ministers of Denmark, Norway and Sweden and former French foreign minister Hubert Vedrine, as well as former Spanish president Felipe Gonzalez and EU high representative for common and security policy, Javier Solana. Russia, the UN, the Arab League, the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Gulf, Syria and Saudi Arabia will also be represented, as will the US, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.

Friends, if Madrid +15 doesn't qualify as another 1991 Madrid type conference, I don't know what would. In fact, this conference is even being called a "reunion."

This brings up an intriguing question: By calling this meeting just a reunion, are they actually trying to hide the significance of this event?

Could it be a sleeper conference?

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.