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Some time ago an Englishman by the name of Sir James Goldsmith gave a persuasive speech titled, Sleepwalking into the European Superstate. In his speech, Goldsmith compared the European unification process that is now going on in the EU to the process that was used to create war-loving Prussia back in 1834. I think Goldsmith's assessment about what's going on in the EU may be right. And just like sleepwalkers, Europe's leaders appear completely unaware of where they're going. Yet Europe's leaders aren't the only ones sleepwalking. I fear the majority of evangelical Christians today may be sleepwalking too -- sleepwalking into the Great Tribulation. But Jesus did warn us that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night (Matthew 24: 42-44). What did He mean by saying it will come as a thief? The popular view today is it means Jesus will suddenly and unexpectedly return in the air to snatch all His followers from the earth in an event called the "rapture." The word rapture means to be "caught up." Yet when talking about the same day of the Lord, the Apostle Paul said something different. Paul said the day of the Lord will bring sudden destruction (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3). Was he talking about a different day of the Lord? No, Paul was talking about the one that will come as a thief. Now we have another problem. The Apostle Peter said something even different than Paul. Peter said on the day of the Lord the earth would burn up and the elements would melt with intense heat (2 Peter 3:10). Was Peter talking about a different day of the Lord? No, he was also talking about the day of the Lord that will come as a thief. So who is right about what will happen on the day of the Lord, Paul or Peter? This is what I think. I think they're both right. I think the day of the Lord is a period of time. Paul tells us when it begins, and Peter tells us when it ends. You see, Paul said the day of the Lord will come "While they're saying peace and safety!" (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3). And after the man of sin is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4). And Peter said the day of the Lord will end when the earth is burned up and the elements melt with intense heat (2 Peter 3:10). This event occurs at the end of Christ's thousand year reign. In other words, the day of the Lord is a period of time that will begin after the Antichrist violates his agreement with Israel and goes into the rebuilt Jewish temple and declares himself to be God. And the day of the Lord will end when Christ's thousand year reign is over. And if you accept this interpretation, it's easy to see how the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. You see, this isn't how the day of the Lord is being taught today. And if it were to happen in this fashion, the majority of Gods people would be caught completely by surprise. Does this mean I don't believe in the doctrine of the rapture? No, I believe there is going to be a rapture. But I can't tell you when it will happen. I'll leave that to others. But you know what? I don't think the others really know either. In fact, I think they may be sleepwalking. Sleepwalking into the Great Tribulation. 01-27-04