The more I read about Javier Solana's new Neighborhood Policy, the more I wonder if this might be the "covenant with the many" foretold by Daniel, Jesus and apostles Paul and John (Dan. 9:27, Matt. 24: 15-21, 2 Thess. 2:1-4, 1 John 2:18). The scary thing is, it seems to meet all the requirements. For one thing, it's based on an agreement already in force between Israel and the EU. That agreement is the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace and the Barcelona Process that was negotiated by Javier Solana back in 1995. The reason this may be important is because it is commonly believed the agreement the Antichrist will make with Israel won't be a new agreement, but a confirming of an existing agreement. And, that's exactly what Solana's new Neighborhood Policy will do. Another interesting thing is how this Neighborhood Policy came about. It was part of Solana's new security doctrine for the EU he presented to the EU heads in June of 2003. If you recall, I ended my book with a commentary I wrote about this amazing event. This is where, when the Western world order lay shattered over the Iraqi war, Solana was able to come up with a strategy everybody loved -- even France and the United States. Here's my understanding of Solana's new policy. The idea is, for Europe to be secure, the surrounding nations must be secure. So, Solana wants the EU members to contribute in a much bigger way -- both financially and militarily -- to the security of the surrounding nations. However, there's a catch. To continue in the program the participating countries would have to meet EU standards. For now, the current funding instruments are to be used until the EU's new budget term begins on January 1, 2007. In the mean time, Solana was tasked with informing the participating countries about the new rules coming for continuing in the program. Evidently, that's what was behind Solana telling Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon last July the EU was involved with the peace process whether he like it or not. This also explains the sudden change of heart in Israel over relations with the EU. I've been studying the strategy paper for Solana's new policy. I may have uncovered something important as far as prophecy is concerned. In the conclusions of the paper, it says the Council (Solana) has been tasked with writing and implementing the new Neighborhood Instrument that will take over funding the project on January 1, 2007 -- the next seven-year budget period. It seems Solana is tasked with developing the rules by which the money will be dispersed. And, he is to monitor the countries that receive the funds to make sure they continue to meet these rules. Here's where it gets really interesting: He is also to report to the EU heads in mid-term -- in two years and again in three years -- if the countries are complying with his rules. If you recall the prophecies, the Antichrist is to confirm the covenant with the many (Israel) for one week (seven years), and in the middle of the week he will violate it by going into the rebuilt temple and claiming to be God. Is the stage being set for these events? Friends, I'm not saying Solana's new Neighborhood Policy is the foretold seven-year agreement. However, if we see in this new agreement something that includes the temple mount and/or the rebuilding of the temple, this could be the deal we've been waiting for. Stay tuned! 10-24-04