What Herb thinks
Solana's Offices Bugged

This could be a big story. It's being reported somebody has been bugging the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels. This building is the seat of power for the European Union. It houses the Council of Ministers, the EU's new 10-nation military command center, and the offices of the Secretary General of both the Council and the EU's new military wing, Javier Solana (Read about it here).

The reason this is so intriguing to me is because, just recently, Solana was reported to have said in a secret memo that he thought the US had begun working to undermine his common foreign and security policy (Read about it here).

I think something huge may be going on here -- something nobody wants to publicly talk about. And, I strongly suspect whatever is going on here has everything to do with Solana, France, Germany, Belgium and the EU's implementation of the WEU's Assembly Recommendation 666.

This is why I think this way: According to the reports, these bugging devices where said to be found throughout the building, including in the French, German and Belgium offices -- the very offices where I suspect most of the EU's new anti-American policies may be taking place.

If these two reports are true -- the report about the bugging and the report about Solana's secret memo -- than there may be people besides me who are on to what's really going on in the EU.

But, there is another possibility -- what if this report isn't true? What if this is false information?

In light of what I believe to be America's new war with the EU over the Medertrainian, I wouldn't at all be surprised if this reported turned out to be false.

Why? Because, as I've said before, I suspect certain anti-American factions within the EU may be attempting to turn world public opinion against America. Recent evidence of this was France's actions taken against the US in the UN Security Council. In other words, this bugging story could help these faction in the EU turn more people against America.

So, are important people finally catching to what's going on in the EU and bugging the EU's offices? Or, do certain anti-American factions in the EU only want people to think someone is bugging their offices?

Which ever way this goes, it's going to be a big story -- especially in Europe.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.