What Herb thinks
Solana's Turf War

As you probably know by now, I loved Hal Lindsey's commentary, Late Great Planet Earth Revisited. However, a statement Lindsey made caught my attention. Lindsey said:

I penned those words some 35 years ago based on the prophecies of the Bible for the last days, not based on any inside knowledge I had about European politics Read it here

If you've read the two endorsements on the back cover of my book, Recommendation 666, you will notice -- in slightly different words --  I'm credited with having this "inside knowledge" of European politics. So, once again, I have reason to believe Lindsey may have read my book.

However, Lindsey should consider how I acquired this inside knowledge. I got it by reading his book, The Late Great Planet Earth. You see, Lindsey said there would be a 10-nation alliance appearing in Europe. So, when in 1995 a 10-nation alliance did appear in Europe, I naturally couldn't understand why nobody was reporting it.

And, because of Lindsey's book, I knew what might be coming next. I began watching for an Office within the European Union that was also connected to the 10-nation alliance. That happened in 1999 when Javier Solana became the EU's first High Representative of Common Foreign Security Policy. Once again, I wondered why nobody was reporting it. 

Again, because of Lindsey, I knew to look for a foreign policy connection between Solana and Israel. I found that in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Solana brokered between the EU and Israel in 1995. This agreement is now the foundation to the EU's Middle East peace process and Solana's new European Neighborhood Policy.

Now, if we're on the right trail so far, let's see what Lindsay has to say about the next political event we should expect to be seeing in Europe. Lindsey said:

When he [the Antichrist] comes to power, he will subdue three of these kings or nations. Seven of them, however, will give him authority willingly (The Late Great Planet Earth, pg 82).

You see, that's why this turf war that Solana is now involved in is so fascinating Read about it here. As I've been reporting, three members of Solana's 10-nation alliance -- the EU 'big three" -- France, Germany and Britain -- have formed a directorate and are standing between Solana and his full control over the EU's foreign and security policy. Are these "big three" the three?

Now, if it turns out they are, how did I get this "inside knowledge?"

I got it from Hal Lindsey.

And, he should be proud of me.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.