According to Andreas Maurer, this January the EU's Javier Solana may put on his fourth hat. Maurer believes the incoming German EU presidency may cede its chair in the EU's Council of Ministers to Solana. And, Maurer should know. You see, Maurer works for a think tank that advises the German parliament and government on issues of foreign policy -- the German Institute for International and Security Affairs Read about it here. What would such a move actually mean for Solana? It would mean, without the EU's new constitution ever being ratified, Solana would basically be given his new, super foreign minister post that's called for in the constitution. I say "basically" because, according to my understanding of the post, Solana will still not have his new position within the Commission. Nevertheless, it wouldn't surprise me if we saw something happen in that regard too. It's not enough to know certain events and how they may relate to Bible prophecy. We also have to know why God may have chosen to reveal them to us. You see, Jesus tells us to take care that the light in us is not darkness. My point is, anybody can point to something. But, not everybody can correctly understand, from God's perspective, what it means. Today there are two other pieces of news that I suspect may have prophetic implications. I say that because they both have to do with Israel. The first is another report about how Solana wants to establish a comprehensive peace in the Middle East by returning Israel to her pre-1967 borders Read about it here. The second is a report about how British PM Tony Blair's support for Israel may have brought an end to his career Read about it here. Friends, no matter how the world likes to spin it, the sad truth should be obvious. We live at a time when the political figure who seeks to remove Israel from her land is granted even more power, while the leader who seeks to defend her looses power. But, we shouldn't be surprised. The Bible tells us the time will come when the power of God's people will be completely shattered (Daniel 12: 7). I don't believe that time is now far away. If you recall, at the beginning of this year we here at FP were watching for two things to happen. We were looking for something to happen that would change the dynamics in the Middle East, and we were looking to see if Solana would be moved into a position in the EU from where he could confirm his 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace for seven years beginning on January 1, 2007. Now that these events may have happened, we have another important matter to consider. What does it mean? 09-07-2006