What Herb thinks
Solana Almost In

In my May 3 commentary I said:

The following months should be particularly interesting.

Boy has this turned out to be true! First we heard news the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, may be given the new super Foreign Minister post before the Constitution is even ratified by the 25 member states. Then we learned Solana may instead take Romano Prodi's job and become the next president of the Commission. Now we find Solana back on course for Foreign Minister Read about it here.

You know what? I think it's all just for show. I think the really important decisions have already been made. If you recall, in my May 3 commentary I also said:

As you know, as of May 1 the European Union enlarged itself into a 25 nation monster. But the problem is, according to reports, no decision has been made as to who will be in charge Read about it here. I find this hard to believe. It's not like the founding EU member states have all suddenly gone fishing. In fact, the enlargement process began in their mind some time ago.

And I concluded by saying:

And in the mean time, we're told 25 nations have piled into the EU for a ride, and nobody knows who will be at the wheel in June. Does this sound like something you'd let your daughter do?

My point, of course, is I believed some person -- or group of persons -- may be in control of these intriguing political events happening in the new, super EU. And I further suspected that person may be Solana and that group of persons the 10 EU heads who are members of Solana's Western European Union military alliance.

Why do I feel confident enough to say something like this? My confidence is not in myself -- it's in the Bible. And according to my understanding, the geo-political events unfolding in Europe and Israel are exactly as foretold in prophecy.

But if that's true, why aren't the popular prophecy teachers reporting it? I believe it's because they've all committed themselves to a different scenario where the Antichrist (not saying it's Solana) doesn't come on the scene until after the church is removed from earth to be with Jesus in the rapture.

This brings up a serious question: What if the popular teachers are right and I'm wrong? Couldn't it cause a lot of God's people to stumble? Here's my answer. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. That's all.

You see, Tim Lahaye may be wrong about some things too. That doesn't mean he shouldn't have written his excellent Left Behind books. I think he may have been wrong basing his entire series on the weakest element in Bible prophecy -- the timing of the rapture. Instead, I think he should have focused on the more sure parts of prophecy -- such as the revival of the Roman Empire, the appearing of a 10-nation alliance and office of High Representative. But, if some of the Left Behind readers stumble should they find the Antichrist on the scene before the rapture, it will be their own fault, not Lahaye's.

Here's why I say this. When Jesus was asked about the end-times, He said it was our own responsibility not to be mislead by anybody (Matthew 24:4). And regarding the same issue of end-times deception, the Apostle Paul said the same as Jesus. Paul said:

 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 New American Standard Bible).

Once again we find it is our own responsibility not be mislead. In the end we -- and we alone -- are responsible for the things we believe.

Here's my point: I think Tim Lahaye and the other popular prophecy teachers honestly believe the rapture will happen before the Antichrist comes on the scene. And if it turns out they're wrong, that doesn't make them false teachers. It only means they are human and may have made an honest mistake. The same applies to me.

And if it turns out I'm wrong? I'll be the first to admit it.

My question is, will they?

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.