What Herb thinks
The Solana Doctrine

As the author of a book about the rise of the man baring its name, this report about what's become know as the "Solana Doctrine" is specially intriguing Read about it here.

It's also fascinating to think back to all the events that made this report possible. You see, for me the Solana story has been better than anything I ever seen in a movie. And, I have a feeling the story isn't over yet.

The Solana Doctrine had its beginning with the EU's signing of the Amsterdam Treaty back in 1997. It was this treaty that set in motion the creation of the new office of High Representative of Common Foreign and Security Policy that Solana was to later occupy in 1999. His position also made Solana head of the Council Secretariat and soon after Secretary General of the 10 nation Western European Union. In other words, Solana became a very powerful new player on the world scene.

You see, Solana wasn't chosen to be a limp-wristed High Representative over a group of weak-kneed nations. Solana was chosen as the former head of NATO to now lead the EU nations into their former glory days -- the prophesied revival of the old Roman Empire. 

At the heart of these plans were the 10 EU/NATO nations who also shared a mutual defense alliance with origins that pre-dated the North Atlantic Treaty that created NATO. The treaty they shared was the Brussels Treaty signed shortly after World War II.

But like I write in my book, these nations needed a strong big brother like America to defend themselves against the powerful Soviet Union. So, they moved their mutual defense obligation to each other in the old Brussels Treaty into the North Atlantic Treaty. However, they continued their old alliance looking forward to the day they could go it alone. And, that day came when the Soviet Union ceased to exist. 

So, after Solana restructed NATO to make it all possible, Solana went to work in the EU and the biblical beast from the sea began to rise exactly as foretold. I'm talking, of course, about the 10-horned revived Roman Empire revealed in the books of Daniel and Revelation.

Now it looks like Solana is behind the Geneva Accords and preparing to send his EU/NATO forces into Israel to enforce the peace. If so, this would be the logical implementation of the Solana Doctrine in Israel.

As I look back now, it all still fascinates me. And I fear it won't be long until the entire world, and not just Israel, may taste the Solana Doctrine.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.