What Herb thinks
Solana for President

While American's Democratic Party is having its convention in Boston, Solana is using every opportunity he gets to publicly call for America to cooperate more closely with the international community. First he did it at a meet of Italian ambassadors, now he's done it at a meeting of Hungarian ambassadors Read about it here  I  And here.

The scary thing for me is, there are those in America -- both Republicans and Democrats -- who appear to be falling for Solana's idea for a new global order. I suspect one of these people may be US Secretary of State Colin Powell. Powell is an internationalist. I had the chance to hear Powell speak in person once, and what impressed me the most about Powell's speech was how strongly he stressed the need for more international cooperation. 

And, if you've been watching the Democratic convention, you will notice among the speakers there has been a continuing emphasis on the need to restore America's image and relationships abroad.

In fact, that may explain why Solana is suddenly busy talking to America.

You would think he was the one running for President.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.