What Herb thinks
Solana Gets His Turkey

The way I see it, we've got to see this news about Turkey and the EU in the light of a short time frame Read about it here. If the prophecies are coming down, they will be coming down in faster and faster sequence. These accession talks will take years. Friends, I don't think we have years.

It's interesting how French president Chirac and German Chancellor Schroeder, at the last minute, suddenly change their mind. If you recall, both were against admitting Turkey into the EU. And, most of the French and German people are against allowing Turkey in. So, what happened to change the mind of these two leaders?

I think the answer is Javier Solana. You see, France and Germany are members of Solana's 10-nation alliance. And, if you've been following my commentaries, you know I think something may be going on with certain anti-American countries within the EU Read about it here.

If the Bible predicts a 10-nation led revival of the Roman Empire, as I think it does, then it may shed light on why these two European leaders suddenly changed their mind about Turkey. As long as they're all talking turkey, the EU will be able to influence Turkey's policies away from America and toward Europe.

But, like I said before, we may have a short time frame. I suspect Turkey will never actually become a full member of the EU.

In the mean time, Solana gets his Turkey.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.