FulfilledProphecy.Com set a new record yesterday with 27,703 hits. Evidently, God's people are wanting the information I'm trying to provide. And, I thank you all for your support. But, the drama continues. It seems the EU's High Representative has just put on another important hat. Javier Solana has now also been placed in charge of the EU's new defense agency (Read about it here). You know, this is all becoming a little scary. You see, back in 1999 Solana put on three hats -- Secretary General of the Council of Europe, High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Secretary General of the Western European Union (the 10-nationa alliance), now he's been placed in charge of the EU's new defense agency. Why is this news important? Well, for people who aren't interested in Bible prophecy it isn't. But, for those of you who are, it's more writing on the wall. Here's why: We all know the Scripture -- the old Roman Empire is coming back. And, when it does, it will be under the control of 10 kings and one man. And, as I've been reporting on FulfilledProphecy, that appears to be occurring in today's expanding European Union. In fact, creating an empire is Solana's new foreign policy doctrine (Read about it here. This brings up a serious question. Why aren't the well known prophecy experts reporting any of this information? Well, I don't know. Like I told someone who emailed me about this question yesterday, sometimes their silence makes me think I must be wrong somewhere. But if I am, I wish they would tell me. In the mean time, the news continues. And as long as I can, I'll be reporting it here on FulfilledProphecy.Com. Thanks for staying tuned. Herb 11-18-03