The World Socialist Web Site claims a German news magazine recently reported about a secret memo from the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana. According to the report, in this memo Solana accuses the US of attempting to us the new eastern European countries to undermine his efforts to create an independent foreign and security policy for the EU (Read about it here). Before you trash this information as just more leftist propaganda against conservative America, keep in mind that the largest party in the European Parliament today is made up of socialists -- the Social Democrats. And, many of the EU's top leadership either are, or have been, members -- including Javier Solana and Hans Blix. Here's my point: If this report about a secret memo is factual, that tells me, unlike the former Clintion administration who blindly made it all possible, the Bush administration understands what's really going on in the EU and is doing what it can to stop it. You see, prior to this dispute in the EU over the Iraqi issue, things were going extremely well for Solana. His common foreign and security policy in the Balkans was now paying big dividends for the EU heads and they were asking him to do the same in the Middle East. And, to be the one who settles the Middle East dispute has been his ambition since he negotiated the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace between the EU and 12 Mediterranean countries back in 1995. Since then Solana has been at the forefront pushing the Middle East peace process. He was behind and attended the Sharm-el Cheikh Summit, he was a member of the Mitchell Committee, and today he represents the EU in the Quartet. Even at the recently held emergency EU summit where the issue was Iraq, Solana managed to squeeze his Mediterranean ambitions into the agenda. In the summit's final declaration the EU heads added, "The European Union reiterates its firm belief in the need to invigorate the peace process in the Middle East and to resolve the Israeli Palestinian conflict" (Read about it here) As I've said before, something big is going on in the EU -- something that's not good for either America or Israel. It started when the EU decided to create its own independent foreign and security policy under Javier Solana in the Council of Ministers by implementing Recommendation 666. And, of special interest to students of Bible prophecy, it even included a 10-nation military alliance. Now, important people are finally beginning to notice. And, if this secret memo by Solana is a reality, than some of these important people who are now noticing may include members of the Bush administration. Another thing to consider: This secret memo may also explain why recently some of Europe's leaders -- including Solana -- have begun complaining about Washington's foreign policy being directed by religion -- specifically, Bible believing Christianity. In other words, they may fear the light of God's word is exposing them. 02-19-2003