What Herb thinks
Solana Strikes Again

There is news to report. But, before I start, it's necessary to say something about yesterday's commentary. If you recall, I posted an article by Ray Gano from Prophezine. Ray shared his belief that God has used America to restrain evil in the world. After Ray's article, I commented why I felt the same way. It turns out many misunderstood our comments to mean that we thought the Apostle Paul was actually referring to America when he penned those words about the restrainer two thousand years ago. This, of course, wasn't what either Ray or I were attempting to say. 

If you recall, I pointed to the mysterious person who appeared to the prophet Daniel in Daniel chapter 10 -- the one who said he had no one to stand with him against certain, geo-political, evil spiritual forces. From there I identified the mysterious person with the One who appeared to the Apostle John in the first chapter of Revelation -- Jesus -- who was walking among His lampstands, or His churches. It is my view that it is to the activity of this Person that Paul was referring. And, in the time that we now live, this Person is using America to restrain certain, foretold, geo-political evil forces. I believe Jesus' words in Matthew 21: 42-44 supports this view. But, I must leave why I believe this for another commentary.

Ironically, it turns out that today's news is another example of why I believe God has been using America to restrain those evil, geo-political forces. America came out officially against the new Human Rights Council that the international community is attempting to push through the UN Read about it here. Well, what caught my attention last night was the announcement that the EU decided to go against American concerns and support the Council Read about it here.

One of the reports (I decide not to link to) mentioned a single, unnamed, EU diplomat. Naturally, I suspected that unnamed diplomat to be Javier Solana. And, even if it wasn't, I still believed Solana was the driving force behind the EU's decision. Here's why:

If you have seen my powerpoint presentation, you may recall Solana's so-called Human Security Doctrine. Here is a link where you can read about it, and actually see the document Read about it here. You see, this so-called Human Rights Council is exactly what Solana has been working toward for some time now.

Now, bring to mind Solana's recent activities directed at bringing an end to the so-called Cartoon Intifada Read about it here. Friends, as I've said so many times now, the writing may be on the wall for us.

Here's my point: Although America stood up and said no, Solana and the international community said yes. And, if they get their way and establish this wicked Council, I fear God's true people, all around the world, will become open game.

It's really that simple.

Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.