Debka.com is reporting today, March 1, it's Super Monday in Washington Read about it here. Let's see, the EU will be sending Irish foreign minister Brian Cowan -- representing the Irish EU Presidency, Chris Patten -- representing the EU Commission and Javier Solana -- representing the EU Council. This brings up two interesting questions: One, what's so important about this meeting in Washington that it requires representatives from these three EU institutions? You see, in order for the EU to sign a treaty, these three institutions are required. And two, where are the so-called big three -- Britain, France and Germany? The reason I ask this is because, if you recall, it's being reported the big three have been pushing Solana out of the foreign policy picture lately. But instead, here Solana is going to Washington with Patten and Cowan on an apparently extremely important mission of some kind. The reason Debka.com is calling this Super Monday in Washington is not only because of the issue -- settling the Middle East crisis, but because of who will be present. Besides the three representatives from the EU, important representatives from Israel and Arab nations will also be there. Yes indeed, it does look like Super Monday in Washington. And soon the players will take the field and the game will begin. And this brings up a few more interesting question: For example: How long will the game last? Will be be seven years? And one more thing, who will be allowed to perform at half-time? Let me guess ... 03-01-04