All coalition forces out of Iraq by next year? According to these reports, a new Security Council resolution sponsored by the United States and Britain might make this possible. And wouldn't you know it? This is a resolution the EU's Javier Solana can support Read about it here I And here. If you recall, the United States and Britain sponsored a UN resolution asking the Security Council to give its official approval to the new Iraqi government taking over at the end of June. And certain Security Council members -- particularly France and Germany -- said they would support the resolution provided certain changes were made. Now we have Solana at a meeting with the in-coming Dutch EU presidency saying he supports the UN resolution and hopes it passes unanimously. In other words, because of these changes the EU and the international gang will go along with the new Iraqi resolution. When we step back and look at the whole situation, an intelligent design appears. You see, France, Germany and the in-coming EU presidency -- the Netherlands -- are members of Solana's 10-nation security alliance (not to mention Britain). And in this alliance, Solana is the common denominator. Here's my point: From the very beginning of the Iraqi occupation, Solana has been demanding that control of Iraq be transferred to the UN. Now that's exactly what may be happening. What Solana wants Solana gets. 06-02-04