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I find Germany's hypocrisy quite revealing. You see, Germany has been one of the motors behind the creation of the European Union from the very beginning. And, Germany has been among the most vocal calling for a strong federal Europe where the Union has more say than the member states. That's what makes Germany's demand for a permanent seat on the new UN Security Council so morally and intellectually absurd. Here we have the nation who has been attempting to convince all the other European nations to summit to the EU's super umbrella, when the opportunity arises, demanding its own seat on the Security Council instead of a seat for the EU Read about it here I And here. Like I've been reporting, for the EU's High Representative and new Foreign Minister Javier Solana to take his rightful position -- the one supposedly given to him by the EU heads -- there will have to be some horn pulling (kings subdued). As far as we prophecy students are concerned, this restructuring of the UN Security Council has been expected. However, the fact that it appears to be happening now, in concert with all the other prophetic events we've been trying to keep up with, tells us the final events of prophecy many not be far away. On top of Germany's demand for a personal seat on the UN Security Council instead of a joint seat for the EU, the Druge Report posted a story warning the EU could split if the new Constitution isn't ratified by all its member states. The article went on to examine what could happen in such a case. Some say it would be the end of the EU. Others said it wouldn't. The bottom line is, nobody seems to know what would happen. What do I think will happen if the new Constitution crashes and burns? I think, when the smoke settles, we'll see what the Bible predicts. We'll see a 10-king alliance formed around one man. In the mean time, the man who was given the job to run the EU's common foreign and security policy is doing what he was hired to do. While others in the EU are seeking the lime light and credit for things they haven't done, Javier Solana is behind the scenes getting things done Read about it here. Yes indeed, the Bible tells us the day will come when one man will finally rise to represent this reunited Europe. It tells us, on his rise to power, he will have to subdue three kings among a 10-king alliance. But, his foreign policy destiny will lead to his demise. He will make a seven-year agreement with Israel that he will violate 3 1/2 years later, bringing God's judgement on him and his kingdom (Daniel 7:7-8, 9:27). As I write, the political stage in Europe and the Middle East appears to be set for these foretold events to happen. In fact, I think it all could come down very soon now. Are you ready? 09-24-04