I've been reporting about the new security doctrine recently introduced by the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana. I call it Solana World. The reason I call it this is because part of his plan calls for the establishment of a new "international order." The world's leading leftist leaders held their Progressive Governance Conference last weekend. And, Solana did what I thought he was going to do -- he pitched his plan for a new "international order." Now, more of Solana World is revealed to us. According to a report in the Guardian, part of Solana's plan calls for restructuring the United Nations Security Council (Read about it here). Why? Evidently, Solana believes in the UN. He thinks it's "highly legitimate." However, Solana also realizes the UN is not "effective." His answer is the Security Council should be restructured to make the UN more effective. Here is where it gets interesting for students of Bible prophecy. Solana feels just the opposite about the World Trade Organization. He believes the WTO is "effective," but not "legitamate." Why is this interesting? Because, it you think about what Solana is saying for a moment, you realize where his logic is leading. He apparently wants a restructured UN to take over the job of the WTO. If you've been following my commentaries, you know I suspect the UN may become the organization the coming false prophet will use to enforce his global control over commerce and religion. And, this kind of restructured UN could do that job. There is something else about this that interests me. Not long ago, during the height of the tensions created over the Iraqi crisis, Solana let it be known he thought France and Britain should combine their permanent seats on the Security Council, and give this combined seat over to the EU -- in other words, to him. I'll be reporting more as Solana World is revealed Stay tuned. 07-14-2003