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If you've been following FP's commentaries you already know about the EU's European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). And, if you have been a careful reader, you also know about the "New" ENP that's scheduled to begin on January 1, 2007. Well, I have found a news report where the EU's Javier Solana -- the author of the ENP -- is discussing his "New" ENP in fairly deep detail. The report began with Solana clearly calling the program that he was talking about the "New" ENP. Solana says: Action Plan signed within the European New Neighborhood Policy will be favorable for South Caucasian countries. In the following report Solana also said: The people will receive EU aid if the governments honor the programme. Otherwise the partnership with the governments will be limited. As it is a bilateral agreement the benefit should be mutual. Democracy and the supremacy of the law are very important for the EU. Good management includes not only good economic governing, but also democracy and the protection of rights. This is a part of the programme. And, revealing the strengthening, or confirming, nature of Solana's "New" ENP, the report goes on to say: He noted that though a programme was prepared for South Caucasian countries, the documents envisage stimulating of regional partnership Read full report here. Of course, we students of Bible prophecy are interested in Solana's "New" ENP and its strengthening effect on another regional partnership -- the EU's Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace (Euromed). As you may know, it's my strong suspicion that the 1995 Euromed agreement could actually be the covenant with many that's to be confirmed for a period of seven years, but broken with Israel mid-term (Daniel 9:27). That's because, not only is the Euromed a covenant with many -- including Israel -- but it's also the framework for all following EU's agreements with the nations of the Mediterranean Basin. And, on top of all of this, Solana's "New" ENP is a seven-year program with mandated mid-term reviews. There may be another important piece of the end-time puzzle before us. According to this report Read about it here , the Trans-Atlantic Alliance is far from dead. In fact, it appears stronger than ever. Friends, isn't that exactly what FP has been reporting? You see, in December 2003 the US and the EU began a strategic partnership in order, as they say, to better fight the international war against terror. Although much of the agreement remains secret, parts of their new security plans are now becoming apparent. The idea -- as far as the EU is concerned -- appears to be to combine the economic and political clout of the US and the EU to create -- through the agency of the UN -- a new international order. In fact, Solana's people even have a name for it. They call it the Geo-Strategic Triangle. The image below comes from one of their own presentations. Now, let's look at the image again but this time through the eyes of Bible prophecy. You see, at the center of power on the European side of this Geo-Strategic Triangle we find the Council of the European Union. At the center of the Council we find the Political and Security Committee (PSC) where Solana now presides. And, at the center of the PSC we find the emergency powers that are provided by the 10-nation Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666. Friends, this brings up some serious questions: Is the UN going to be the international organization that the coming False Prophet will use to enforce his religious and economic controls? Is the UN's new Alliance of Civilizations going to be what the Antichrist and the 10 kings use to wage their war against God's saints? Will the US and the EU become the two horns of the second beast from the earth that's described in Revelation chapter 13? And, will Solana's "New" ENP begin Daniel's 70th and final week of end-time Bible prophecy? Stay tuned! 11-15-2006