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Solana watchers are on the edge of their seats. In December the EU heads gave their High Representative Javier Solana the green light to carry the ball forward on reviving the Middle East peace process. It's not even the end of January and Solana may already have the ball considerably down field Read about it here I And here I And here. Not all eyes, however, are on Solana. Right now the international media is more concerned over evidence suggesting the Bush Administration may be preparing for an attack on Iran Read about it here I And here I And here. And in light of the possible consequences of such an attack, I can't blame them. It's my opinion these events may be connected. We must keep in mind that the EU and US have embarked on a global, strategic partnership. Although it may be an over simplification, I suspect Solana may be providing the Middle East players the carrots, while Bush is providing the sticks. Or, perhaps another way to look at it is, the EU's European Neighborhood Policy is providing the carrots, and the Iranian threat the sticks. But, anyway we chose to see it, it might be working. The Middle East peace process appears to be moving again. Will America launch an attack against Iran? I don't know. But, what I think isn't important. What's important is what the Iranians thinks. If they believe our President is as crazy as their President, they just might flinch. But, what if Iran doesn't flinch? Could this crisis lead to the war that the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel foretold in chapters 37 and 38? Not if we are to take prophecies literally. There are requirements necessary that I don't see present. According to Ezekiel, the war must happen at a time when Israel is living securely. That certainly is now not the case. The war also must occur at the time when Israel is to have her spiritual rebirth -- which I believe is to happen later in the prophetic time line. And, the war also must happen at a time when God will step in and make Himself known to all the nations. This too I believe happens later in the time line. So, if we students of prophecy want to keep our eyes on the ball, where do we look? Do we watch to see how the Middle East reacts to President Bush's two-carrier diplomacy? Or, do we watch to see how the Middle East responds to Solana's softer touch? I think we should watch both. 01-21-07