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Recently I posted a link to an article titled, End of Oil Could Fuel 'End of Civilization as We Know It' Read it here. The reason this piece was interesting was because not only was it based on the research of leading scientists, it basically predicts Armageddon. It seems the world's supply of oil is fixed and may be nearing its peak. That means, according to these scientists, we may soon be experiencing a decline in the supply. The problem with that is, this decline will happen just as the world's demand for oil is soaring. The scientists even fear this situation could lead to an Armageddon type conflict. You know, we evangelicals may have our own oil crisis to worry about. By now many who are reading this commentary have also read the on-line edition of my book, Recommendation 666. In the second part I report and document events that may possibly be important fulfillments of end-time prophecy -- events that have been overlooked. If these events are what I suspect, Armageddon and the day of the Lord may be right around the corner. If so, this brings us to some important questions to consider. One question is, if these events are fulfillments of prophecy, why haven't our evangelical leaders warned us? Another question is, what does this mean to us? First, we shouldn't blame our leaders. Jesus told us, before the day of the Lord begins, the entire Church will be found asleep on this issue. He said: Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep (Matthew 25:1-5 New American Standard Bible). I suspect this may be where we're at today. The day of the Lord may be about to begin and, instead of being awake to see it coming, the majority of us have gone to sleep as far as Bible prophecy is concerned. This is what I think: Now isn't the time to be casting blame or arguing. Now is the time to be trimming our lamps. And, if we find we don't have enough oil, we had better hurry up and get some. In fact, as those scientists are warning, solving our oil crisis should become our first concern. If you recall, in the parable about the sleeping virgins, Jesus said at midnight they all heard a shout. Friends, this could be our shout. 12-22-04