There are times I look at the big 666 on the cover of my book and I feel like crawling in a hole to hide. Let me explain why I feel this way: Our world today is filled with all kinds of strange conspiracy theories. And, not only don't I see myself as another one of these many conspiracy theorists, I don't want others to see me that way either. So, when I see that big 666, I know I'll be perceived that way anyway. The fact is, I don't believe God wants His people occupied with or concerned about this world's conspiracies. God once told the prophet Isaiah: You are not to say, "It is a conspiracy!" In regard to all this people call a conspiracy, and you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it (Isaiah 8:12 New American Standard Bible). What makes this all the more interesting is Isaiah wasn't just a Jewish prophet, he was a trusted advisor to King Hezekiah. In other words, if anyone understood the complicated political environment swirling around Jerusalem in that day, it was Isaiah. And here God was telling Isaiah not to get caught up in all the intrigue and suspicions that were afloat. And it is my view God's advise to Isaiah is as sound for us today. Now that's not to say there weren't conspiracies taking place. In fact, a careful reading of the surrounding passages indicate in Isaiah's day there were many. And, I'm sure that's also the case in our day as we watch the foretold end-times revival of the old Roman Empire now going on in Europe. The problem is, which conspiracy is the one God's people should be most concerned about? Have you noticed? While we're watching something on the left, it seems something even more dangerous happens on the right. Then when we turn to the right, something once again happens on the left. And this type of experience is especially true in Europe. For example, God's people in Britain are having quite a time trying to figure out what their Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is really up to. On the one hand he promises not to give up an inch of British sovereignty to the ever growing powers in Brussels, and on the other hand he keeps leading Britain farther into their grasp. Now it seems there is more fuel for those who believe in a EU superstate conspiracy. Britain's conservative Tory Party has just released documents they say prove the German military is seeking to create a unified EU army under one control (Read about it here). And, if you've been following the dispute going on between the United States and the EU over NATO, you can see why there would be legs to this theory. So, what's really going on in Europe? Is it like Tony Blair says, the EU is becoming a large organization of free and independent nations. Or, is it like the Tories are warning, the EU is fast becoming a freedom-swallowing superstate. On this issue I agree with the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana. When asked the same question, Solana said the new, super EU wouldn't become a superstate, it would become a super power. Why do I agree with Solana? Because, this is how the end-times Roman Empire appears to be described in the Bible prophecies. It will be a divided kingdom, but it will have in it the strength of iron (Daniel 2: 41). That's why God tells us to focus on Him and His word. You see, only God knows what's really going on in the darkness. And, only God can direct us safely through. Stay tuned! 10/24/2003