What Herb thinks
Someone Is Saying Something

As long as Likud's Ariel Sharon was Prime Minister, there was no way some European leader could appear and score that seven-year deal with Israel the prophet Daniel spoke about (Daniel 9:27). Well, that's what I thought. And, was I ever wrong.

Sharon inviting Labor's Shimon Peres to share power is most amazing Read about it here. That would be like Republican President George Bush inviting Democratic leader Edward Kennedy to share the White House. Although Sharon and Peres are old friends, their political views are about as far apart as you can get. Sharon is a die-hard right-winger and Peres is a left-wing Socialist. 

On top of that, we have the issue of religion. You see, Sharon's Likud party has been the party holding on to the biblical view that the land Israel captured in the Six Day War was God given and should not be traded away. Peres's Labor party, on the other hand, doesn't hold the biblical view and is willing to trade the land for peace. So, what we're seeing may be interpreted as a surrender by the last holdout of Jewish believers.

I strongly suspect the stage may be now set for that seven-year agreement of prophecy. There just happens to be a seven-year covenant with many in the works right now. It's called the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). In fact, Israel has become the first among 17 nations to sign on the dotted line. And, on January 1, 2007, the ENP will change to comply to the new European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) that has been drawn up by Javier Solana. Like I've been reporting, it's a seven-year funding instrument that will include political goals and monitoring.

And talk about an earthquake. Not only was Sunday's earthquake the largest in 40 years, it's being reported the disaster that followed was the largest in human history. Fears are, by the time this tragedy is all over, over 400,000 lives will have been lost.

Friends, I think someone is saying something.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.