With so much news, it's hard to know where to start. Something big in our world is brewing. And, whatever it is, I fear it may catch God's people completely off guard. Most students of Bible prophecy know where to look. Israel is God's centerpiece. The key to unlocking prophecy is to understand what's going in the world as it relates to Israel. With that understanding in mind, it is possible to branch out -- as long as we don't go too far. Still, there is so much going on now for us to ponder. Like I said, something big is brewing. And, it does have to do with Israel. Let's begin with the personality who I believe may be behind it all -- the EU's first High Representative, Javier Solana. Solana started the diplomatic ball rolling back in 1995 when he successfully negotiated the EU's so-called "Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace." This agreement laid the foundation to a series of following agreements that lead to the amazing results that we're witnessing. But, before we examine the results, let's look again at the man. Recently, Time Magazine identified Solana as one of the world's most influential people. Why? Because, since taking the helm of the EU's foreign and security policy, Solana has somehow managed to lead the 25 EU heads in a common direction ... as Time put it, "herd cats." Solana's charm isn't only domestic. While still head of NATO, Solana negotiated a deal with Russia that opened the door to the West's NATO expansion into the former Soviet Block countries. This diplomatic achievement later lead to the EU's own expansion, from 15 nations to 25. In a recent report, Solana calls the Chinese president Hu his friend. The fact is, Solana has been busy opening the doors to a multitude of nations. Even India is reported to have signed its own action plan with the EU. This brings us to Israel. You see, Israel was reported to be the first nation to sign its action plan in connection with the EU's new European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). As I've been reporting, the ENP is designed to revive, or breathe new life, into Solana's 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Partnership For Peace. Evidently, it's the international war against terror that's triggering things. Britain's PM Tony Blair, as current president of the EU, is taking the lead. The London bombing is his incentive. Others, such as Solana's people, are more than eager to follow. Now, dominos are falling. One by one, many nations are lining up to fight terror and their piece of the Solana pie. Among these nations we find -- you guessed it -- Israel. And, for the first time since the failed 1991 Madrid Conference, Arab nations are even talking about normalizing relations with their arch enemy, Israel. Friends, something is happening in our world. And, it's something big. 09-10-05