What Herb Thinks
The Sound of Solana's Silence

The Bush administration has heard scary sounds before. But, according to this report from Radio Free Europe, the sound it heard coming from the recent NATO meeting may have been the scariest of all (Read about it here).

If you recall, the United States called for an emergency meeting of NATO because of British Prime Minister Tony Blair's sudden decision to thrown in British support for the creation of an independent EU military command outside NATO. This was something Blair had promised the Bush administration he'd never do. But in the last minute, he did it anyway. So, an emergency meeting was called by Washington to see what exactly was going on.

Evidently, at this meeting the Secretary General of NATO, Lord Roberston, asked the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, to provide assurances that his new defense structures would remain "complementarity" to NATO, avoid "unnecessary duplication" with NATO and have "transparency." How did Solana respond? According to this report, he didn't even bother to respond. The writer said:

The EU's security policy chief, Javier Solana, on the other hand, studiously avoided all reference to transparency, complementarity, or duplication

Not only did Solana fail to respond to Robertson's request for assurances, the reporter went on to say Solana, "bluntly noted that the EU will not abandon its defense plans."

Here's what I think. Just like the Clinton administration was given assurances that the EU wasn't really creating an independent 10-nation military wing when they implemented Recommendation 666 back in 2000, the Bush administration was deceived the same way about this military wing not becoming a threat to NATO. And, now the truth is finally coming out for all to see.

But, this shouldn't surprise us? Why? Because, according to Bible prophecy, in the end-times there is to be a revival of the old Roman Empire lead by a 10-nation alliance. The prophet Daniel wrote:

As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom (the Roman Empire) ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings (Daniel 7:24 New American Standard Bible).

As I've been reporting on FulfilledProphecy.Com, it's interesting to note that a 10-nation military alliance appeared in Europe 1995. In 1999 the first Mr. Europe appeared in the office of High Representative. And, in 2000 the 10-nation alliance was placed under this first Mr. Europe in the Council of Europe.

It's also interesting to note that out of these 10 nations in this alliance, three broke away and supported America in the Iraqi war. This all brings us to some interesting questions: Are we seeing the fulfillment of these prophecies from Daniel? If so, are the three kings destined to be subdued the ones who supported America in the Iraqi war?

Evidently, the Bush administration had questions too. That's why Washington called for this emergency meeting of NATO -- to hear answers. And, what answers did they hear? The scariest possible.

The sound of Solana's silence.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.