What Herb thinks
Species of Rectangle

I almost feel sorry for the EU. How would you like to be called a "species of rectangle"? But, that's what it's being called. And, the insult comes from Peter Sain ley Berry -- one of its own. I guess it could be better than Berry's alternative though -- being called a square Berry's commentary here.

I try to be a bit more sensitive. I describe the EU as a beast with 25 rotating heads. The reason they rotate is because each head is given a turn at leading the beast for six months. On the 14th and 15th of this month, the beast's 25 heads will have their semi-annual summit. And, as Berry's commentary does an excellent job pointing out, they will be facing some very big problems.

Besides dealing with dangers Read about it here, the EU beast wants to grow Read about it here. But, it can't manage any more of these silly looking rotating heads. Something has to be done. Yet, its heads won't stop spinning long enough to do it. And, it's doubtful they will at the coming summit.

The EU beast has 10 big horns and one little horn. Perhaps they can help. Unfortunately, being on the beast's heads, the 10 big horns can't stop spinning either. The little horn is different. It's not on one of its heads. However, this also makes the little horn too weak to do much good on its own. Its strength depends on the 25 heads and, more importantly, the 10 big horns. As you can see, this all makes for a very unhappy EU beast.

Now its being called a species of rectangle.

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.