What Herb Thinks
Speculating, or Stating the Obvious?

What's fascinating to me is how much writing commentary on Bible prophecy has evolved from speculating on future scenarios, to stating the obvious. Although it's true some prophecy teachers are still in the speculating mode, I don't think it will be long until they catch on.

For example: I thought my commentary today would only be about the Sharon administration's shocking decision to finally get rid of the murderous Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (Read about it here). However, when I did my usual Google news search this morning, I realized there was another story occurring in Europe of equal prophetic significance. And, it was related.

That's not to say the news about Arafat isn't significant. I believe it may be. In fact, its been my opinion for some time now Arafat's days are numbered. The reason I believed this is because the Bible tells us, in the end-times, the Jewish temple will be rebuilt. And, according to the reports about what caused the breakdown of the peace talks at Camp David, Arafat is the primary obstacle to resolving the sticky temple mount issue and allowing the prophecy about the rebuilding of the temple to be fulfilled.

But the reason we know the Jewish temple will be rebuilt is because of the prophecies in Daniel and Matthew about the coming Roman prince -- the Antichrist. You see, just 3 1/2 years after the Antichrist makes his seven-year agreement with Israel, he will violate his agreement by going into the rebuilt temple and exalt himself above God (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15).

This brings us to the second significant story from Europe I was talking about before. You see, for a seven-year agreement to be made with a Roman prince, there first has to be a revival of the Roman Empire under 10 kings, and the rise of the foretold Roman prince. And the more details I learn about the creation of the new, super European Union, the more I suspect that's we're now witnessing.

As I've been reporting on Fulfilledprophecy.Com, the big debate raging in the EU is between the Anti-American factions who want a military command outside NATO, and the pro-American factions who want to keep within NATO.

The question on many minds -- including mine -- is where does the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana, stand on this issue? Now, for the first time, a report has emerged where Solana was finally asked -- straight to the point -- where he stood on this very important issue.

Solana was asked, "Would you prefer the French-German proposal to move forward and build up a totally independent headquarters for the EU military planning? Or should we prefer some compromise and the UK proposal on building up a step-by-step approach well integrated within NATO military framework?" (Read about it here)

How did Solana answer this straight to the point question? According to the report, he didn't exactly say his answer -- Solana "indicated" his answer. After the question the report continued, "Solana indicated that he favors the continuation of strong ties with the United States and NATO, and said that the strengths of the EU already are needed to complement the capabilities of the United States." 

As I though about Solana's magnificent sidestep, I thought about another interesting piece that ironically appeared the same day. It was from the Website of EuroActive and it was about the problem the public was having gaining access to documents related to what Solana and the EU's 10-nation military wing have been up to in the Council (Read about it here).

What do I think is going on in the EU behind those closed doors? I think there is good reason to conclude we may be seeing the fulfillment of the end-times prophecies concerning the rise of the 10-horned beast from the sea (Revelation chapter 13).

So, am I speculating these events we're witnessing today in the Middle East and Europe may be the fulfillment's of prophecy? Or, am I stating the obvious?

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.