Stand-Alone Faith If the 70th week of Daniel begins on January 1, 2007, what happens if January 2 comes around and we're all still here? What if the rapture hasn't happened? Keep in mind, I'm not saying for sure the 70th week begins on that date. But, what if it does and we find ourselves going into it? Before we try answering that question, let me explain why I believe the EU's next seven-year budget period could be the 70th week. Let's say you were told there is a certain trail in the forest that, if you follow it, you will find eight gemstones. The first stone will be yellow, the second red, the third blue, the fourth green, the fifth orange, the sixth brown, the seventh black and the eighth white. Now, what if one day you were walking in the forest and found a trail with a shiny, yellow gemstone on it. Recalling what you were told, you put the stone in your pocket and begin walking down the trail. Sure enough, soon you find a red stone. Now your getting excited. You put the second stone in your pocket and hurry down the trail until you find the blue stone. After finding the green stone, you've become almost certain you'll soon find the orange one, the brown one, the black one and finally the white one. Why? Because, it's become evident you're on the right trail. You see, the rebirth of Israel in 1948 was our first gemstone of Bible prophecy. Our second is the old Roman Empire beginning to be revived with the Schuman Declaration in 1950. Our third was the appearing of a 10-nation alliance from out of this reviving Roman Empire in 1995. Our fourth was the appearing of the EU's first High Representative of Common Foreign and Security Policy in 1999. The next stones aren't in our pocket yet. But, after finding the first four, we are pretty confident the others are near. In fact, two may already be in sight. The EU "big three" will have to be subdued before the High Representative can do his job. That's why I suspect they could be the three kings the coming Antichrist will subdue. And, there is also a covenant with the many being revived and confirmed and a seven-year period standing before us. When this period begins, the High Representative will take his new, stronger posts and his covenant with many will be confirmed by stronger financial and political instruments for the next seven years. This leaves two stones yet unaccounted for. However, it's not hard anymore to believe that they too will soon show up. These stones are the black stone of the Antichrist appearing in the rebuilt Jewish Temple, and, our favorite -- the gleaming white gemstone -- the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Summing this all up, since we may already have four of the eight stones in our pocket, the others are near also. And, since there is a covenant with many that may be bringing a time of peace to Israel that includes a seven-year element, it is highly possible this seven-year period is the 70th week of Daniel. Now that I have shown you why I believe the 70th week could begin on January 1, 2007, let's turn back to our question. What if January 2 comes around and we find ourselves still here. What do we do then? Friends, we can't afford to wait until then. We need to start preparing ourselves spiritually now. We need to develop what I call, "stand-alone" faith. What I mean by this, we need to be sure that our faith is resting on the solid rock of biblical truth. And, of course, on the Rock Himself -- Jesus Christ the Son of God. And, as the day draws near, we need to keep counting our gemstones. How many do we already have in our pocket? You see, when we do that, our fear goes away. Soon, we'll have our white stone too. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it (Revelation 2: 17 New American Standard Bible). 03-20-2005