The Bible warns us that our hearts are deceitful above all things. That means, if we're not careful enough, our hearts can deceive us. We can easily be lead to believe in what we want to believe, instead of what's really true. Every good sales person knows this. The unethical use it for self-gain. Unfortunately, this principle also applies to unethical Christian leaders and teachers. If we're nearing the end-time, as I think we are, we Christians are heading to profoundly dangerous and confusing days. Already, the news can be so startling that we have to step back, take a breath, and allow God time to make the meaning clear. That's the way I feel about this recent news. If you've read my book, Recommendation 666, or have been a regular here at FulfilledProphecy, you are as astounded by this news as I am. As I've been reporting, it turns out the EU's new European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) is designed to make strong, or confirm, an existing covenant with many for a period of seven years. In other words, the 70th week of Daniel may now be in view. That existing covenant with many is the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace -- also known as the Barcelona Process -- that was negotiated by Javier Solana back in 1995. At the time, it was between 15 EU member states and 12 Mediterranean states. Today it's between 25 EU members states and 10 Mediterranean states. The 10 nations are Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. If you recall, in a speech given in Cairo to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (the many), an EU official by the name of Margot Wallström said the EU's new European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) doesn't replace Javier Solana's 1995 Barcelona Process, it strengthens it. She said: "the European Neighborhood Policy does not replace the process launched ten years ago in Barcelona. It renews it, clarifies it and breathes fresh life into it" Read about it here I Cached. (Interestingly, on the 17th this last sentence suddenly was changed to read, "It adds to and makes things happen." Then, after I commented about this, the whole speech was removed.) Today, we may have even another piece to the puzzle. Now we find that the ENP may actually bring a time of peace to Israel. If so, this could lead to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. You see, not only is the ENP being used to breathe new life into the Barcelona Process, by strengthening Barcelona, the ENP it breathing new life into settling the Israeli/Palestinian dispute as well Read about it here. Friends, I suspect this may be it -- the 70th week of Daniel. We now have before us an existing covenant with many -- the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace -- being revived and confirmed by the EU's ENP. And, beginning on January 1, 2007, this confirming action will be for a seven-year period. Friends, as I said before, now is the time to step back, take a breath, and give God time to make the meaning of all this new news clear. This reminds me of when I discovered Recommendation 666 back in December of 2000. The first thing I had to do was calm myself down. That's the way I feel now. Stay cool! 03-16-2005