A few days ago FulfilledProphecy.Com experienced another sudden spike in hits, setting the new record of hits for one day at 9,820. Evidently, once again another large Website posted a link referring people to FulfilledProphecy.Com. Although as expected the number of hits are now settling back down, the daily number is remaining higher than before the spike. What does this mean? It means those who weren't interested in Bible prophecy went on their way, and those of you reading this today are the ones who decided to stick around for awhile. And, I must admit, every time this happens it scares me. Why does it scare me? Because, I'm just like you -- full of questions and doubts. And, for me it started the same why -- by stumbling on to a place where I heard the words of Jesus being spoken, and deciding to stick around. You see, the real message here on FulfilledProphecy.Com isn't to reveal the existence of that document titled Assembly Recommendation 666, but to reveal the existence of that Person Jesus Christ. As I say at the beginning of my book, the events I wrote about -- including Recommendation 666 -- may, or may not, be the fulfillment of prophecy I think it is. But this much is certain, Recommendation 666 caught you're attention. And, if that document has no other meaning, as far as I'm concerned, it will have served God's purpose. Jesus said: You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing (John 15:1-5 New American Standard Bible). Jesus told His disciples they were already clean because of the word He had spoken to them. Clean means to be forgiven of all sins and be acceptable before God. And, you know what? You and I can be clean also. All we have to do is what Jesus' disciples did -- believe in Jesus and His words. Believe Jesus was the Son of God who died and rose again to take away the sin of the world. I don't know about you, but in these wicked and uncertain times in which we live, I can't think of anything better than to know I stand clean and accepted like Jesus before my loving Father God. I often end my commentaries by saying "stay tuned." On the surface my meaning is to encouraging people to keep watching as the the events unfold that indicate Jesus' return may be swiftly approaching. However, for each true follower of Jesus there is a much deeper, more important meaning to staying tuned. And, that's to do what Jesus said -- to abide in Him. So, now I'll say it again: Stay tuned! 09/05/2003