Bible prophecy is going to happen. Trying to stop it is like trying to stop the sun. No matter what we say or do, we're never going to keep it from rising. The reason we can't stop prophecy is because God already knows what's in the future. That's because He's already there. And, in prophecy He's letting us know a little what He sees. For example, take a look at this analysis about what's occurring in the European Union (EU). The "democratic deficit" in the EU is not some unforeseen design flaw; it is integral to the entire project. The founding fathers understood very well that their scheme to merge the ancient nations of Europe would never survive if it had to be periodically referred back to the electorates for approval Read about it here. In other words, no matter what the European people say or do, the European reunification process continues -- just as the Bible predicted. The fact is, the Bible tells us in the end-times the Roman Empire will be revived. With this truth in mind, let's take a look at both what happened, and what didn't happen, at the EU's recently concluded June summit. According to this report, the EU's heads decided to wait until the end of 2008, when France and the Netherlands have new governments, before attempting again to drive through their new constitution Read about it here. If you recall, it was France and the Netherlands that got in the way. And, as usual, quickly following the EU's semi-annual summit will come the EU/US summit. This year it will be held in Vienna. If you've been wondering what's behind all these seemingly related trade agreements -- the ones to be in place by 2010 -- we may find our answer in the following statement: the summit will focus on mutual cooperation to spread democracy, enhance security and pursue global prosperity Read about it here. You see, following the events of 9/11 in America and 3/ 11 in Europe, the US and the EU have entered into various agreements to act together on issues of international peace and security. Both powers understand the need to change the world around them in order to achieve their goal. As a result, part of their plan includes creating global prosperity through the establishment of global free trade. In other words, a new world economic order. If you are a student of prophecy, you realizing how all three of these articles are a direct fulfillment of prophecy. But, that's not really the point that I'm making. My point is, no matter what we say or do, the Bible prophecies -- from start to finish -- are going to happen. And, as far as I'm concerned, this is the biggest proof that we have that the Bible is the word of God. You may have seen where at times I've said, if we had been more alert, we could have prevented the events in Europe that we've been reporting here at FP from happening. Knowing the influence we evangelicals have at all levels here in America, I still believe that to be true. But, at the same time, I knew that no matter what we ever said or did, we couldn't stop the prophecies. It would be like stopping the sun. And, sure enough Read about it here! 06-17-06