What Herb thinks
Talking Turkey

In my last commentary I reported the two different visions for this new, super EU beast. Some -- like France, Germany and Belgium -- want to see the EU become a single, federally controlled superstate. Others, like Britain, Italy and Poland, want to see the EU remain as it is -- a divided kingdom of sovereign nation states. And I believe this latter vision is the creature we find described in Bible prophecy (Daniel 2: 40-43).

But now it appears there may be another battle going on over Turkey. You see, Javier Solana wants Turkey to become a member of the EU. And according to Turkey's first online newspaper, the EU head's are talking Turkey over Solana. The Zaman Daily almost gleefully reports Solana has become the front runner in the race for the next EU Commission president Read about it here. Since Turkey wants in the EU, Solana would naturally be their pick.

Now I understand why France -- normally a Solana supporter -- is pushing for another candidate for Commission president. France is strongly opposed to Turkey's membership in the EU. The reason France doesn't want Turkey in the EU is because the French leaders are already worried about their bulging Muslim population. If Turkey enters the EU, France could have even a bigger Muslim problem.

Why does Solana want Turkey in the EU? Because Solana thinks strategically. He understands Turkey's cultural and geo-strategic importances to grow his empire. You see, Turkey is a bridge between two cultures -- Christianity and Islam. Turkey also is a physical bride between Europe and the Middle East. At their Vienna Council in 1998, the EU heads created the office of High Representative -- the office Solana now holds -- under the mandate to direct the EUbeast towards absorbing the Middle East (They codified it under section 666).

Ironically, the same Turkish newspaper is reporting at the June 8-9 meeting of the G8, the US and the EU will be discussing ways to merge President Bush's "Greater Middle East" plan with the EU's "Mediterranean Dialogue." In other words, the US and the EU beasts will be attempting to keep the peace between them by dividing the Mediterranean spoils Read about it  here.

Getting back to the EU heads talking Turkey over Solana. Question: Will it happen? Will Solana become the next president of the EU Commission?

I don't know. But, this is what I think. Whatever job Solana is given, it will be custom tailored especially for him. You see, this is what happened when Solana became the EU's first High Representative back in 1999 (Also connected with 666). As I said before, his office was created at the Vienna Council in 1998 while Solana was still head of NATO. It was tailored especially for him to occupy when his term at NATO expired.

Friends, we have clear signs indicating the day of our Lord may be near.

Tell somebody.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.