Often I'm asked why I focus on certain people or events. For example, recently I was asked my reason for writing so much about the EU's High Representative, Javier Solana. The person asked, "What is it that you know about Solana that I'm not seeing?" I appreciate it when someone takes the time to ask such questions. You see, each time I receive such an inquiry, I find myself re-examining what I'm doing here on FulfilledProphecy.Com. And, that is healthy both for me and my readers. In reply to why I focus so much on Solana, after thinking it through for a while I came up with this answer: "The way I see it, I'm not actually focusing on the man, I'm focusing on the prophecies." Some readers may not see the difference. But, when you think about it, there is a big difference. It's far safer to have your focus on God's word rather than people or events. People and events are passing things, but God's word will endure forever. And, the subject of end-times prophecy is a major part of God's word. However, the questions remains if I've understood Bible prophecy correctly. And, only time will provide a definite answer to that question. In the mean time, I'll continue reporting the news as I believe it could relate to the fulfillment of prophecy. This brings us to today's news. And when I read it, I had to laugh. The EUobserver is reporting that, although there aren't supposed to be any changes made to Valery Giscard d'Estaing's Draft Constitution, it may be technically arranged (Read about it here). It's been a while since I've mentioned Euro-spin. Euro-spin occurs when the officials in Brussels say one thing and do just the opposite. For example, they say they're not creating a European army, but they are. They say they're not creating a rival organization to NATO, but they are. Now they're saying they're not changing the new, super EU's Draft Constitution -- it's only being technically "arranged." That's Euro-spin at its finest! How does this fit into prophecy? The EUobserver reporter goes on to state: There is a possibility for France and Germany to drop the wish of having a "mutual defense clause," that the text includes now. This is a compromise that they would have to make to the UK which has accepted the Paris and Berlin plans in regards to European defense. Here's how this may fit into prophecy. You see, France and Germany are pushing for the EU's defense apparatus to be something completely new and independent of NATO. They also want a mutual defense clause for all of the 25 EU member states. The problem is, such a new mutual defense clause would effect the modified Brussels Treaty that currently binds the 10 Western European Union nations together in a mutual defense clause. In other words, if the Draft Constitution isn't changed to eliminate France and Germany's mutual defense clause for the new, super EU, it could break up the 10 nation alliance. And, according to prophecy, I don't think that's going to happen. In fact, I think we may be seeing the end-times being "technically arranged." Stay tuned! 10/08/2003